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I won this book in a giveaway and was so excited to dig into this book. I have never had the chance to read a book by Lucia, so New author alert!!!!! Even though this is not my type of book, I really did enjoy the writing style of this author. Ana (Ria) is a 15 year old gymnast who wants to make it into the olympic games, so she sets out to find her the best coach to get her there. Her father has a friend that was in the games and now has a gym and coaches...... win /win!!!! When she gets to the gym she seems to be an outcast from her girl team mates and the coach states how bad she is...... BOOOOOOO....... Anyways, Ana sets out to prove herself and show that she can do everything that is thrown at her to make it to the games..... but she starts to get feelings for her coach. I am all for these type of romances if the age difference was not such a large gap! Or the minor wasn't such a minor, like this one. Other than that issue I loved this book!!!!

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